ant command not found

2016年2月8日 - Check your PATH when you are in the bash session. echo $PATH. Don't forget that, after updating the PATH as mentioned in your link (through ...

相關軟體 Ant Renamer 下載

Ant Renamer is a Batch renaming utility that has a simple interface, which will easily allow you to quickly automate the task of renaming multiple files. Ant Renamer is really simple to use; drag...

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  • 2016年2月8日 - Check your PATH when you are in the bash session. echo $PATH. Don't forge...
    Ant command not found in bash (windows 32bit) - Stack Overflow
  • 2014年8月5日 - This should make it work: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/ant/apache-ant-1.7.1/b...
    ant command not found when running from the path othe than ant ...
  • ant: command not found ... 1. Swf file browser cache For developers, you can cho...
    ant& command not found -
  • Has anyone else run into this problem? Do I need to write a script to configure various ve...
    ant: Command not found - A. Kurt Lloyd - ...
  • Pure Java build tool, simpler and easier to use than GNU Make. Also it runs many tasks inc...
    Apache Ant - Official Site
  • 今天本来是要在环境变量PATH中添加一条信息的,结果改的过程中出错了,出错信息如下: #$PATH #bash:command not found 多亏了万能的网络,我的问题就解决...
    bash:command not found - 长风大侠IV - 博客园
  • 2013年10月4日 - The error messages indicate 2 problems: the path /my/path does not exist. it...
    chef script ant: command not found - Stack Overflow
  • I am having some trouble running ant. Here is a simplified verison of my problem. I have a...
    deployment - ant: command not found - Stack Overflow
  • eclipse下ant 运行一段sh 命令出现command not found [问题点数:20分,结帖人qq258220040] 快速回复 只显示楼主 关注帖子 eclipse...
    eclipse下ant 运行一段sh 命令出现command not found-CSDN论坛 ...
  • Actually I have installed Ant in rhel5 environment and set ANT_HOME variable in /etc/profi...
    executable - ant command not found when running from the ...
  • Setting properties on Ant's command line do not work, because those are Ant properties...
    Installing Apache Ant
  • 2015年6月26日 - ANT_HOME=/home/you/apache-ant-1.8.3 ... After exit the .bash_profile, you ne...
    java - ant release --> ant: command not found - Stack Overflow
  • It gives -bash: ant: command not found Hot Network Questions Why is it a bad idea to creat...
    java - Error executing ant :-bash: ant: command not found - ...
  • 2015年5月10日 - When you run your script normally, what happens is that your shell starts a ...
    java - Error executing ant :-bash: ant: command not found - Stack ...
  • 新安装的linux系统,如果进行精简安装可能会出现bash:command not found 的提示,大家在安装的时候可以选择默认安装basic的组件,一般即可。到时候可以再升级...
    linux下提示bash:command not found _LINUX_操作系统_脚本之家 ...
  • 2015年2月1日 - You need to update your PATH variable to add the path of Ant. Instructions fo...
    windows 8.1 - Ant Command not Found - Stack Overflow